"When Is Your Baby Due?"

This was the icebreaker the pedicure technician used on me this past weekend as I settled in for an hour of relaxation (thanks to a gift certificate my husband gave me for Christmas).

But I'm NOT pregnant. Not that it really upset me--I'm aware of how I look, but I really didn't need to be reminded that my belly isn't quite as flat as it used to be (I'm slowly working on it) before I had 2 kids. The lady wasn't even apologetic...she just muttered something about how my belly looked big. I would think that a day spa worker would be a little more sensitive about asking that question. Oh well, at least they charged me $10 less than I expected.

mark, Mar 27 2007 9:49PM

i almost made a similar comment to the woman who cuts my hair until i saw a pack of cigarettes on her table. henceforth (and confirmed as the best policy by many others), i never speculate someone is pregnant unless they offer the info themselves. sounds like this should be in the day spa handbook, too.

sandie, Mar 29 2007 9:48AM

As someone who rarely talks to strangers, I'm surprised by what others are comfortable saying. I was at a coffee shop with my sister last weekend and a woman standing behind us tapped me on the shoulder to ask us if we were twins. I see twins every now and then but tend to keep my thoughts about it to myself.