
Mark Sanders
November 26, 2007


Six years years ago I woke at 5:30AM on Thanksgiving Day. A bus and train ride later we had secured a spot to watch the annual Macy's parade in New York — 2.5 hours before it began. Untold thousands of other showed up during the time waited steadily pushing us back from our original spot. By the time the parade began, all we could see were the balloons floating above the heads of the crowd. We decided that the best view was on television in our living room. Until this year...

Ann Whitehurst
March 14, 2007

This was the icebreaker the pedicure technician used on me this past weekend as I settled in for an hour of relaxation (thanks to a gift certificate my husband gave me for Christmas).

Bob Holling
January 28, 2007

I don't smoke, unless I have a good reason to, and when I do, I just puff. There's something about the ritual that's appealing. Tonight was a good reason. It was supposed to be too warm for snow, but how often are the weather forecasts actually correct? Walking to the bus station from work was a light dusting--stepping off the bus at home: big fat wet flakes calling out to me.

So I sat on my stoop, cigarette in one hand, red wine in the other, imagining I could hear the sound of snowflakes landing in the infrequent silences between the passing cars.

Guido Alvarez
October 13, 2006


Time to vote for the next President of Ecuador has arrived. According to my judgment no candidate has demonstrated to be a good fit to lead Ecuador during the next four years.

Sandie Maxa
September 27, 2006

Last night I made my way to Harlem for Amateur Night at the Apollo. Talented young men and women belted out everything from gospel hymns to pop anthems like Last Night a DJ Saved My Life. The performers touched the Tree of Hope (a good luck charm on stage) and then went on to do their thing. As a valued audience member, I was asked to either "show the love" by clapping or to boo and bring out the Executioner, who would ring an alarm and escort the act off stage similar to the Gong Show. While all this was very exciting, the warm-up act had me the most entertained.

Ann Whitehurst
August 4, 2006

I took my two kids shopping today at Target for a few things: diapers, a blow-up kiddie pool, and a few other small items. As I was heading down the aisle where the pools were, my 2-yr old son yelled out "crackers!" (Or his word for crackers, that is) I was thinking...is there some toy that looks like crackers? Then, of course, I saw that Target had conveniently placed a corner display of goldfish crackers at the front of the toy aisle. I could have, and should have, just told my son that we would get crackers later, but I gave in and gave him a box. (I don't always give in to these requests, but I did today.) Although it is my fault for giving in, I felt really suckered by Target...if I want crackers, I go to the freaking cracker aisle! But in this case, Target didn't care what "I" wanted. The display was almost empty, so I'm obviously not the only victim.

Ann Whitehurst
June 9, 2006

My due date was this past Monday, June 5, but I am still sitting here looking like I'm trying to hide a basketball under my shirt.

Mark Sanders
April 26, 2006

Last Haircut:
7.5 weeks ago
Day of Week: Monday
Time of Day: Lunch
Salon Bustle: Very Low
Stylist Demeanor: Calm, distracted
Physical Contact: Moderate (neck/ear blowing)
Quotes from Stylist: "My breath is stinky; let me get a Coke." "Those potatoes are arguing with my stomach." "You don't have to get the same haircut."
Tip: $5.00

Guido Alvarez
April 17, 2006


In May, The DaVinci Code will hit cinemas all over the world. But in the 3W® the future... is past.

Guido Alvarez
April 3, 2006


Guido Alvarez
March 21, 2006


Ann Whitehurst
March 15, 2006

...to entertain a 2-yr. old.

Evan Mann
March 12, 2006


Mark Sanders
March 4, 2006

Last Haircut:
9 weeks ago
Day of Week: Friday
Time of Day: Dinner
Salon Bustle: Moderate
Stylist Demeanor: Calm, bored
Physical Contact: Moderate (neck blowing)
Quotes from Stylist: "It itches." "The hair gets in my shirt" " It used to be a rose. Now it's faded" "I dried out my rose at the beach."
Tip: $5.00

Mark Sanders
February 16, 2006

I have known since last Friday that part (if not all) of this week was going to be occupied by jury duty. This being the fifth time I've been called during my life, I knew careful consideration needed to be given to how I was going to fill the long periods of waiting that this type of service entails. Here is my to-do list which was compiled before and then adjusted during the experience.

Mark Sanders
January 6, 2006

Last Haircut: 9 weeks ago
Day of Week: Friday
Time of Day: Late Afternoon
Salon Bustle: Extreme
Stylist Demeanor: Exhausted, preoccupied
Physical Contact: Low (aggressive hair pulling)
Quotes from Stylist: "Does that burn?" "Everyone is sick." "I don't have anyone new for the rest of the day which means I won't have to talk anymore."
Tip: $5.00

*actual haircut took place a week ago.

Heather Manske
December 17, 2005

A friend recently said something to the effect that she wasn't sure if Saturdays were very brunch-ish. A group of us were getting together and a Sunday date wasn't working, so that's where the question of whether Saturday was appropriate for brunch or not came up. I piped up and said that Saturday was absolutely perfect for brunch, just as much as Sunday... perhaps even more so. It got me thinking. I love brunch. It's one of my favorite things to do in the city. But, are there truly "rules for brunch"?

Read on for my non-official, merely observational, rules for brunch. (And of course, brunch being the leisurely activity it is, you certainly don't need to follow them.)

Sandie Maxa
December 2, 2005

If you like competition -- experiencing the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat -- sports are an obvious pastime. For the brainiacs, there's spelling bees and speed crossword competitions. Food lovers can compete in eating contests; consuming everything from hot dogs to ten-pound turkeys. And the publicity-hungry have the reality tv circuit. Good at traveling? Enter the Amazing Race. Have a great voice? Become the next American Idol. So how can people in the arts become trophy winners?

Sandie Maxa
November 16, 2005

Every year I eat myself silly. Turkey, mashed potatoes and of course, pie. Indulging on delicious food has always been a part of my Thanksgiving. Add to that a few days off work, the crisp fall air and you've got some of my favorite things about the holiday. But food and a lazy weekend weren't always the highlights.

Sandie Maxa
October 31, 2005


Happy Halloween!

Mark Sanders
October 28, 2005

Last Haircut: 8 weeks ago
Day of Week: Friday
Time of Day: Noon
Salon Bustle: Moderate
Stylist Demeanor: Cordial, warm, flirty
Physical Contact: High (shoulder and arm grabs; neck blowing.)
Quotes from Stylist: "You are my nicest customer. All my others bitch." "You don't have to celebrate; just gamble." "That's why I don't wear it everyday. People don't notice when it's gone." "I don't want your wife to think I clawed you."
Tip: $5.00

Ann Whitehurst
October 25, 2005

A few weeks ago, Mark shared a link that tells one how bypass all the automated BS when trying to contact various corporations and actually speak to a person.

Rusty Mitchell
September 19, 2005


Today be Talk Like A Pirate Day. Unleash yer inner pirate, or I'll be makin' ye scurvy dogs walk the plank!

Sandie Maxa
September 14, 2005


Photo of Martina Navratilova's (in blue shorts) mixed doubles match.

I love the US Open. I experienced the tennis extravaganza for the third time and grew even more fond of the event this year. It's a great way to watch a lot of tennis in a venue where you can get close to the action. One caveat: a rainy day would definitely lower the score.

Mark Sanders
August 30, 2005

Last Haircut: 5 weeks ago
Day of Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Dinner
Salon Bustle: Moderate
Stylist Demeanor: Cordial, playful
Physical Contact: Moderate (vigorous head rubbing while styling hair)
Quotes from Stylist: "He knows I'm working; why's he calling?" "You are getting shorter each time, no?" "I wish all my clients were as easy as you." "You are easy."
Tip: $5.00

Ann Whitehurst
August 30, 2005

Last night we were watching some late-night TV when we heard a woman scream in the distance.

Mark Sanders
August 15, 2005


Like most people, an awful lot of junk mail finds its way into my mailbox. Each day I shred the credit card offers, recycle the catalogs, toss the internet access disks and tear up the magazine subscription offers that I have come so accustomed to receiving. But last week a new offer arrived in the familiar pre-sorted package that made me wonder if I had crossed another threshold in life.

Ann Whitehurst
July 31, 2005

Having a child, one quickly learns about child car seats (we were not allowed to leave the hospital without a car seat approved by the hospital) and safe travel with your child..."rear-facing", "forward-facing", "ball-in-the-green-zone", etc. At a certain age and weight, our son will graduate to some sort of "booster seat". And until he is 12, he's not even allowed to ride in the front seat (I don't think).

What was legal 25 years ago (and not considered scary or unsafe) would probably send one to jail today, however. One of my fondest memories of family travel when I was growing up was riding down the highway with my two younger brothers in the back of my dad's pick-up truck sitting on a metal bench seat pushed against the back. The seat was as high as the sides of the truck and there was nothing restraining us to the seat or the seat to the truck, either. Thank goodness my dad was a good driver.

I sure had fun riding that way, and am glad that I have memories of it, but there is no way I would ever do that again! The thought of my son riding that way sends a shiver down my spine.

Ann Whitehurst
July 25, 2005

The recent Pantomime My Ass entry made me think of another social situation that is always a little uncomfortable and annoying:

When you run into someone you know in the grocery store, spend a few minutes talking, say goodbye, go on your way shopping, then run into them somewhere else in the store. What do you say? I usually try to pretend like I don't see them, unless they are going along a similar shopping path, in which case I have to say something else to them. Usually as long as I don't catch their eye, I don't worry about whether or not they're onto me. I usually like to shop in peace and keep to myself, so unless I run into a really good friend, I prefer to not run into that person again on the same trip.

Anyone else have a similar take on this?

Mark Sanders
July 25, 2005

Last Haircut: 7 weeks ago
Day of Week: Monday
Time of Day: Lunch
Salon Bustle: Low
Stylist Demeanor: Defeated
Physical Contact: Low (appropriate for service rendered)
Quotes from Stylist: "Do my fingers feel warmer now?" "I'm sorry, I must drink some coffee." "Don't use too much air freshener."
Tip: $5.00

Mark Sanders
July 19, 2005

It takes a lot more work these days to get anything for free. From mail-in rebates, to buy-one-get-one schemes, to placing oneself in the just right place at just the right time, it's ever harder to get something for nothing. Which brings me to this question: what is the greatest length you have gone to get an item or service for free?

To start, this is how far I am willing to go for a freebie and alternately just how little it can take.

Mark Sanders
July 6, 2005


Ann Whitehurst
July 1, 2005

Something disturbed me yesterday evening.

Mark Sanders
June 1, 2005

Last Haircut: 8 weeks ago
Day of Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Supper
Salon Bustle: Very Low
Stylist Demeanor: Punchy
Physical Contact: Moderate (neck blowing)
Quotes from Stylist: "Would married man like the same?" "Do you think you look beautiful?"
Tip: $5.00

Sandie Maxa
May 28, 2005


Living in the Midwest for the first 29 years of my life has left me with an anxious feeling on Memorial Day weekend. Enduring months (usually six) of cold temperatures, freezing rain, snowstorms, ice, and howling winds; and the activities that go with them: shoveling, scraping ice off a windshield, cautious driving and wearing multiple layers of clothing makes the arrival of summer the most anticipated event of the year for me.

Ann Whitehurst
May 24, 2005

This morning I took my son to the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. Neither of us had been there before. And it was free, so there wasn't much to lose. So obviously there were tons of other kids there...school groups and kids with their parents. I had one of those moments that made me feel like I was walking a dog, though.

Evan Mann
May 5, 2005


Ann Whitehurst
April 19, 2005

My son turns 1 next Tuesday. It just occurred to me a couple days ago that I should probably get him a present. I guess because I give him things all day every day that I forgot that I should think about something special to give him that will be his first birthday present.

Heather Manske
April 19, 2005

From SummerStage to Celebrate Brooklyn to the Bryant Park Film Festival, free summer events are hands-down one of the best reasons not to flee this city in the summer. Though it's barely spring, the annual anticipation of "who's going to be on the lineup" is mounting. And, the first list has been posted...

Mark Sanders
April 8, 2005

Last Haircut: 8 weeks ago
Day of Week: Friday
Time of Day: Lunch
Salon Bustle: Moderate
Stylist Demeanor: Indifferent
Physical Contact: Low to Very Low
Stylist Quotes: "Go ahead. Do it." "They've stopped since I started taking medicine."
Tip: $5.00

Mark Sanders
April 1, 2005

I've never been much of a prankster when it comes to April 1. But I have been on the receiving side a couple of times. Although as I think back only one such incident comes to mind: the break-up.